In our post, Vacationing Without Your Spouse/Partner, we talk about some of the emotional issues that can arise as you plan a vacation following the loss of your spouse/partner.
If you are a woman however, there can be further concerns about traveling on your own. Feeling vulnerable both socially and physically and steep supplemental charges if you don’t want to share a room or cabin, may make you reluctant to venture out on your own.
However, according to a March, 2009 Reuters report, the CEO’s of the two leading international companies reported that six in 10 travelers today are women – up from five in 10 in 2007. In addition, 30% of female travelers today are booking their trips as solo travelers, traveling either alone or with women friends, despite their marital status.
To encourage solo travelers, these top travel companies now offer free or low cost single supplements, a free roommate matching program, a 30-day risk free guarantee at booking and more. Learn more.
Check out Wanderlust and Lipstick (wanderlustandlipstick.com), a wonderfully informative travel site packed with tips, information and tour options especially for women (some include men as well).
Or look into Women Travel Tips, (womentraveltips.com), another site primarily for women travelers.
In our next post, we offer travel options for both men and women as well as vacation adventures you can share with your kids and/or grandkids.