When I think about my husband now, I remember more of the happy times than the sad times.
Time passes differently now; the first year time was measured in hours, days, weeks and months. Now it is years.
I am learning just how capable I am...in surprising ways.
Some days the “hole” actually feels a little smaller.
I found out who my real friends are and I feel so blessed to have them in my life.
Life does go on - I see that in the eyes of my grandchildren and with every passing season.
Grief still sneaks in when and where I least expect it…I’ve learned just to go with it and be gentle with myself. Especially in the cereal aisle.
I still have to force myself to go outside my comfort zone, but have done new things and continue to amaze myself.
I still miss my husband everyday, and can look around a room and feel like I am the only person that is not part of a couple.
I try to live my life with love and faith and forgiveness - no regrets.
There really is “light at the end of the tunnel” (can’t believe I said that) just keep your eyes, mind and heart open.
I know that my husband is looking down on me from wherever he is...and he is smiling!
This journey is not over. And the path is not always straight
Deb Edwards