
a legal site with useful links

Need to become better informed about a legal issue that’s come up since your partner died?

We’re always looking for free, reliable online sources of information and think that FindLaw.com is worth checking out.

Although FindLaw.com is primarily an online referral site for finding a lawyer, it also has some useful links to official state sites so you can browse relevant laws.

In addition, the FindLaw site offers an online guide to hiring a lawyer as well as a listing of your state’s legal aid resources.

If you’re looking for a lawyer, check out our post, Need A Lawyer?

Let us know what you think and if you’ve discovered other online resources.


wow! we’ve made it to 200!

Since our first posts over a year and a half ago, when we were almost clueless about blogging, we’ve published 200 posts (this makes 201) on our lostmypartner.com blog.

We’d really appreciate any feedback you can give us about posts you’ve found most helpful and/or topics you’d like to see us cover in the future.

In our efforts to provide the best support and information to the widowed and their family and friends, we’d appreciate any suggestions about how to improve this site or our website, lostmypartner.com.

Thanks for visiting!

Laurie and Ruth